So you wanted a martyr.....
An Observation
Modern Ethics
From Personal
(though now unprovable, I am sure)
I figure it should be safe enough to address this at this point. It has been eight years (there-abouts) since I can discern some of the initial infractions... and if eight years hasn't been long enough to "clean up" the paper work, then they probably don't deserve to have what they may have procured to begin with. All I will ever get out of it is having experienced a wealth of information pertaining to modern ethics, in business mostly, but with many peripheral elements contributing to the situation itself as well as an insight into the potentials of the human creature - in various extremes.
Anyone having been involved, unless totally and entirely meat heads, will have managed to have all things concerned transferred, and the other paper work completed and "in line" so to speak.
I can't say as it is something I would have, or am interested in combating as per "pursuing" the more just elements of result, given the modern atmosphere and of course the obvious "standards" employed. But it is something I find great interest in from a "study" point of view. Having experienced what amounts to ethic violations untold in the business sense... while not having any first hand knowledge of it, so to speak... is something to have experienced in life.
I know from the experience just why it is that many standards have been set in society...
I will refrain from using names and/or companies directly in reference. Firstly because it seems to have been a widely accepted means for business transaction.. and just because I do not happen to "be of that clothe" doesn't mean I am of the mind to ruin it. In fact, I cannot see myself as a part of such an area in society after having experienced much of what I have. Besides, there is no way in hell I would win out given those aspects I have been exposed to.. and "legalities" being nothing much more than a dog pile and back biting brawl.
It seems that, in essence, gossip rules the day in regard to many aspects I am going to present here-in. Much of this I suppose, being due to the "justification" of "we would win in court anyway"... which of course, as anyone knows, usually isn't really the case... unless of course such decisions are purchased.
This gossip has ranged from supposed legal infractions on my part... "under investigation" as it were, to having untold amounts of illegitimate children.. as well as "ex-wives."
Sadly, none of what I can discern as being supposed infractions even relates to the simple remittance of a simple estate/will. Beyond the want of those posturing such reasons as excuse, wanting excuse.
Even more to the sad aspects is I am not sure which I think is worse, those perpetrating such tactics or those that corroborate them for what ever interests.
Much of the "street information" has been perpetrated from the direction of hired interests - probably Private Investigaters making some extra money and "perks" on the side. This aspect definitely indicates bigger - more than likely corporate interests on that playing field. More than likely, just as logic would indicate - corporate interests not so keen on a substantial amount of initial stock holdings being liquidated.... this then more than likely rendering a "deal" of sorts between themselves and anyone presenting an interest in the benefits of such holdings. Meaning of course that such holdings would be transferred by what ever means to the parties willing NOT to liquidate them.
Those "parties" have even included my siblings and cousins, it would seem - coincidentally being a party to an additional sort of such "business directions" with the death of my grandmother - though admittedly I have never seen her will.
It was somewhat of a surprise to find most of their inspiration in compliance being in the form of thinking they were "owed" or "due" some part of the portion of the estate having been willed to myself. Suddenly there was even an element of "reason" being that "they" wanted to insure that I would "share" it.
How could anyone even begin tho think that such reasons were valid in any degree? They all got their portion of the estate and blew it on various things... but of course, I suppose I should not single them out in that regard, as "share it" was very much a predominant "reason" from even some of the most preposterous angles and interests. Kind of funny really, if it weren't so damn sad. Especially given that there were actually "official" interests which substantiated such "reasoning" through obviously complying.
Ask any of the people on the Forbes list, if they should be required - forced even - to equally "share" their wealth with even total strangers. Wouldn't that be the laugh?
Another reason given in the closer relations, was that jealousy was a justification. This as well was postured in some of the more outlandish areas of claim as well. Why would someone being jealous of another's sound investments, equate to some reason and justification in claiming a part of the results?
From what I can tell, I would have been able to live on the interest with plenty left over... and as anyone honestly referring to my person would attest, I am not a stingy person.
If the funny pages could have seen it all, there would be no shortage of laughs for at least decades.
One of the more notable tactics in propaganda I believe, came from the direction of the "hired" hands as per - perhaps even government interests, being the suggestion in use of the old movie mystique around the "Mob" - as if the "Mob" had some interest in "whacking" me for some reason. Kind of freaky considering the blitzkrieg tactic of it.
So in essence the illusion supposedly being mine to perceive, was that I had somehow angered the "Mob" (especially the movie version) and was on some "most wanted list" simultaneously. This was combined with psychological tactics I think I recognize from lore and communication in my life time, as being similar to those tactics used in various P.O.W. camps, though without any substantial direction as per "brain washing." Just incessant static, I guess as a part of the interference being posed.
The laugh in the direction of having claimed me to be some "dead beat dad" is in both the efforts (through said hired individuals) to keep me from gainful employment and as well the widely known fact that most of the individuals participating in such slander, are active - if even as a "natural" course of existence, in getting as much welfare as possible through having as many children as can be managed. Such is just a common political aspect in modern society.
Perhaps there is a connection there in the direction of relative needs to be met? But those aspects are so common that it is really of no interest at this point in time to address.
An aspect of this all has very much been the employment of modern communications speed. From what I can tell, this extends to the addition and removal of desired information from desired data bases with a speed that makes it hard to catch, so to speak. Including anything incriminating in official databases when it is that things get a bit "tight" for those perpetrating the "switcher-oo" as it were. This even and especially in effect to the misuse of and transfer of identity at appropriate times.
I have to sigh a bit in regard to this "efficiency" given its apparent and most common use - even in frequency and as some sort of standard within the motion of it. The "Robin Hood" facets presented as excuse in those directions, is as stated - not being very efficient in providing there-in.
It would seem that all a person need do is enter the most conducive information into the correct databases, and swarms of desperation that humans shouldn't exist within, are employed. This mostly from the direction of "welfare mothers" - many of which already participating in various other forms of "procurement." Another sad point being that most of what I can tell indicates that the "procurement" doesn't go to the areas it is claimed to, anyhow.
It seems to be an acceptable way to do things in that area. Sad really, as it represents somewhat of an embarrassment not only to humanity - especially in light of our supposed "progress" - but as well and especially in regard to the "female" element within society.
This then leads to the aspects of the "ex-wives" being fabricated....
Sadly enough it seems more acceptable to most corporate interests to actually compensate such claims through compliance - even to the tune of multiple claims without any actual substantiation - than would have been the prospect of simply complying with an existing and legally binding (isn't that funny) estate/will which was held in trust, and partly within such corporate investments.
For some reason, all a person need do is enter such information and any and all holdings are suddenly someone else's to claim.
Again, this being based on the premise I suppose, of "we will win in court anyhow." But further again, such isn't the case and is only now a common progression due to a familiarity of sorts in such transfers it would seem. Again with no substantial supporting aspects beyond here-say and gossip.
Yet even further again, having no real bearing on the actual issue but proving to be a wonderful smokescreen and tool in the over all ploy - comprising a large portion of the "time wasting" element of it.
Oddly enough, when a person considers the entire movement and tactic, such "time wasting" is really the desired result. Simply an effort to maintain a distance from the individuals actual (and legal claims) and that which is being perpetrated. As well it would seem, to insure a distance of time between the initial infractions and any possible attempts to address the issue in any way.
Again totally a sad element of society given that very real needs within society are utilized fictitiously as nothing more than static, as it were. Bringing the importance of addressing actual needs and problems within such areas to a level of near farce.
Then of course has been the aspect in attempts to insure any "coupling" I may somehow manage in the direction of life partner, be of some particular corporate affiliation and interest. This aspect I recognize from even the initial points I can now recognize as infractions on modern society in these regards. This of course, being in the interests to insure said "estate" will remain at least in a partial control of given influences... and further then, barring pre-nuptial agreements, guarantee those interests of no less than half of said estate through the abuse of modern laws regulating divorce proceedings.
Yet again a sad element of a given area in society... and yet again more reason that I am more than pleased not to be a part of it.
That just isn't what life is about for me. Further, I can't see myself as having utilized my due remittance in the interest of such directions. There is far too much of life to experience to waste it on such concerns. Especially given my personal leanings and tendencies toward relative frugality - simple pleasures so to speak. Such holds more with myself than does the prospective room full of coke heads posing and posturing for one another in celebration of being seen (at least in their own heads) as some form of "celebrity."
I suppose that's another reason I just wouldn't fit into such atmospheres... being that "fun" is a relative word, and I suppose my versions are either seen as too dangerous - given my leanings for the outdoors, and too boring... given my other personal interests.
Yet another rather intriguing aspect of that which I have experienced, is some even likening it to things such as the "whitewater" scandal.
It amazes me that people with seemingly so little insight into things, are in positions of influence in the directions which seem to be the standard and norm.
"Whitewater" was a scandal predominantly over land deals, if I remember right. Politico's and other relations making business deals.
My experience has been in the manner of watching an estate come due, and the scavenging that ensued around it.
I should again point out, as a personal note and opinion that I feel the biggest infraction regarding my situation, was in treating an ACTUAL estate as if it were one of the many areas having been created in the interest of tax shelter and the sort. The kind of things that are seemingly widely recognized as "the game" as it were, in those social areas of ump-teen gazillion heir goings on.
As far as I can tell, those "games" don't have any real effect on economy and the sort...but in having approached an actual (and long term) body of investment as if it were just as "transferable" hearkened in some respects to days long ago before much of what is known (and even developed i.e. floating dollar) about such dynamics was developed and implemented.
It seems to have been an archaic effort almost crippled with the speed of modern communications technology.
Why not just transfer the information in our day and age? Especially as acceptable as such seems to have been.
There has also been a suggested "competition" element around and concerning the legally contracted will/estate. As if I were to subject myself to some mysterious forms of competition having no set rules and further doing so to substantiate my right, as it were, to that which was willed to my person some thirty years ago.
This of course acting to put those with said "interests" in some perceived position of control... being obviously the main concern in regard to the estate itself. This "competition" aspect extending even into the realm of utilizing the aspects in having been kept from gainful employment, as if it were some indicating failure of my own.
Some would say that situations like my own indicate a failure in the system. Some people would say it is just people failing the system. It does lend to the want of agreeing with perceptions of a failed system... but that would be from my personal perspective. Consider that as per that which I would see as failed, has obviously rendered at least a few people now having substantial holdings they didn't have previously. Unfortunately there just seem to be that many people where it is that such is not really of any large concern... which brings me to an intersting paradox given that the dynamics of what has transpired, and the premise in the reasonings of it, would indicate that it is just a big, small town after all is said and done.
I can't miss that which I have never had, and won't chase that which is mine legally by right.
Again, simply transfer the funds is all I would say. I have no interest in chasing carrots of any sort.
Especially those that are out of my own "carrot bag."
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